The logo for Egg Alchemy Skincare, a natural animal based skin care brand for healthy carnivore diet minded men and women


Our special ingredient.


+ What is Egg Oil?

Egg Oil just might be the best thing for healthy, beautiful hair and skin since, well, Egg Oil. You see, Egg Oil has actually been used for centuries to very effectively treat skin and hair ailments. It has a long history of healing eczema, dermatitis, burns, chapped skin, thinning hair, and even premature greying of hair, and so much more, too! Traditionally, Egg Oil has been extracted from the yolks by using very high heat to separate out the oil. However, this method destroys the immunoglobulins (aka antibodies) in the egg. The immunoglobulins in eggs have been shown to have antiviral, antibiotic, and antifungal properties, among a host of other amazing benefits. Our Egg Oil used in Egg Alchemy Skincare, is extracted from the golden yolks of our very own pastured, corn and soy-free chicken eggs at a low temperature, using organic ethanol, which leaves the valuable immunoglobulins of the egg intact. The ethanol is then extracted, itself, leaving behind the precious golden yolk oil. The fatty acids of the Egg Oil closely resemble the lipid profile of human skin--making it an extremely bio-compatable substance for skincare. Because it is so well absorbed by our skin, its immunoglobulins and other beneficial ingredients of cholesterol, biotin, lecithin, lutein, and zeaxanthins, are better able to work their healing magic, deep within.

+ Why Animal-Based Skincare?

You might be wondering why our skincare is based on animal fats, specifically Pastured Egg Oil, Grass-Fed Tallow, and Emu Oil, instead of the plant oils so common in other skincare formulas. The simple answer goes back to the basic principle of bio-compatibility. The oils of human skin are biologically more similar to other animal-based oils than they are to the oils of plants. This means that animal oils are better absorbed by human skin, carrying their nutrients deeper into the tissue, rather than sitting on the surface as most plant oils do. Not only do the nutrients feed the skin more effectively, but the oils are all non-comedogenic, and do not clog pores. Egg Oil, in particular, can be very helpful in actually reducing acne! We make sure our animal oils are sourced as humanely and sustainably as possible, handcrafting our Egg Oil from our own, lovingly-tended flock of pastured hens.

+ What does Small Batch Skincare Mean?

Small Batch Skincare means that each of our products are handmade, by us, with great love and attention to each, individual batch. Our products are not mass-produced, and due to the fact that they are handmade with natural products that will always vary a bit throughout the seasons, you might notice subtle differences in color, texture, and scent from batch to batch. This is completley normal, and to be expected when dealing with all-natural ingredients.

+ How Should I Apply a Balm?

Balms, unlike lotions, do not contain any water--therefore, to get maximum moisturizing power, they are best applied to freshly cleansed or showered skin, that has been patted with a towel, but is still slightly damp. A very small amount of balm will go a long way! Any excess balm can be lightly patted off with a clean towel, for fresh, glowing skin.

+ How do Preorder Items Work?

Due to the labor-intensive, small-batch nature of our artisanal skincare, we don't keep large quantities of pre-made product in stock. If an item has the "In-stock" option avaialable, that means it's already made and ready to go! We'll ship it the same or next business day. If an item only has the "Preorder" option avaialable, you can purchase it now, and you'll be first on the list to ship it to as soon as the next batch is ready, within 3 weeks, at no additional shipping charge.