Welcome to the Farm!
Farm-Fresh Food
Local and oh, so fresh! Gathered just for you for farm-pickups or free-local delivery to certain areas.
Fertile Hatching Eggs
Coming Soon! NPIP Certified and freshly gathered:
Khaki Campbell Ducks
Silverudd’s Blue (Blue, Black, Splash)
Cream & Opal Legbars
Olive Eggers & “Easter” Egger Crosses
Brown Chinese Geese
Live Birds
NPIP/AI Clean Birds shipped within the U.S.
Khaki Campbell Ducklings
Silverudd’s Blue Chicks
Welsummer Chicks
Bresse Chicks
Cream & Opal Legbar Chicks
Olive & Easter Egger Crosses
Brown Chinese Geese
Wool & Hand-Spun Yarn
English and Satin Angora Rabbit Wool sold as Prime Fiber and Hand-Spun Yarn.